Parrots are one of the most intelligent creatures that we share our planet with. They are charming, affectionate and social animals that love to engage with their humans in play and affectionate petting. However, these beautiful birds are also sensitive and can become upset with the slightest change in routine. Their combination of intelligence and sensitivity can lead to behavioral problems, such as feather picking or screaming.

The African grey (Psittacus erithacus) is an incredibly beautiful bird, known for its talkative personality and dazzling cognitive abilities. It is considered the best mimic of human speech of any parrot species and exhibits impressive altruistic behavior, often helping other members of its species even when it may not benefit them.

Like all parrots, how to train an african grey parrot not to bite are highly social and can form close bonds with the people that they spend the most time with. This is why they are such a popular pet for those who want a companion but are not prepared to commit to the long-term responsibility of raising a wild animal. However, if you are committed to spending lots of time with your bird and providing him with a rich diet and ample mental stimulation, an African grey can be a wonderful companion and will be a loving and devoted family member.

A well-bred and healthy adult African grey is a very impressive bird to behold. A happy, healthy African grey will display relaxed body postures when sitting on his perch, and he will frequently bow his head and preen himself as a sign of affection. He will also make soft vocalizations, such as purring and beak grinding. In addition to these behavior signals, you can tell if your bird is healthy by the color and condition of his feathers. A dull, dingy-looking plumage is a common sign of illness or stress.

To avoid the most common causes of behavior issues, you should schedule semi-annual veterinary checkups for your bird. During these visits, the veterinarian will perform a physical examination of your bird and will perform laboratory tests as needed. These appointments will help you keep your bird in good health and a happy state of mind.

Another way to ensure that your bird is healthy and content is to provide him with plenty of playtime, toys and non-toxic branches. African greys that are bored can develop anxiety and will often become agitated and aggressive. Keeping your bird stimulated will help to prevent boredom and will give him the mental and physical exercise that he needs.

Finally, you should always take your African grey for regular, preventative veterinary health care. During these semi-annual veterinary visits, the vet can perform a thorough dental cleaning to prevent tooth decay and other dental issues and will perform lab work as needed. This will help to keep your bird in a happy, healthy state and will prevent serious, often life-threatening illnesses that can occur due to untreated disease or other factors.